Monday, May 28, 2012

One Week In...

Actually, we're a little over one week into our continued adoption journey with the kiddos!  And boy have we experienced parenting!  I posted just a few days ago about day to day life.  We are definitely in the swing of a normal routine and Clif and I are less emotionally and physically exhausted with each passing day.  Our bodies are beginning to develop an understanding that we have three children that need to be cared for each and every day.

Last week Brian developed a rough cough that just wouldn't go away.  So, we decided that a doctor's visit was necessary.  I braved a doctor's visit with ALL THREE children!  It was interesting for sure!  Thankfully, we were the only ones there as we waited in the lobby area.  Of course, I had to fill out about 8 pages of paperwork while we waited (which probably looks to the receptionist like one of the kids had completed instead of me).  It was a new office that had not even ONE toy or children's activity.  So what's a kid to do when there's nothing to play with?  Run, of course, hahahaha!  And that's exactly what my children decided to do.  I tried to bring in a couple of toys from the van, while still managing to watch the children AND fill out paperwork.  But, who wants familiar toys in such a new environment where there's space to run?  And water fountains to play with?  Ha!  Whatever, mom!  ;)  We finally went back and got settled into a room and the nurse probed Brian, who was pretty cooperative, but curious about all of the interesting little gadgets.  The doctor who came in was fantastic- patient and playful with the kiddos, thorough, and honest.  His diagnosis:  congestion.  Good to know that we've been doing what parents should be doing with congested kiddos :).  He is completely over his cold and has the energy to show it!

A few days later, Hayden began running fever.  He is teething right now and chewing on EVERYTHING (I have bruises to prove it), and a slight fever is normal.  Two days ago, the fever increased and he began coughing with a runny nose to follow.  Clif took him to the emergency room Sunday evening.  After breathing treatments, a couple of antibiotics, and some tender love and care, he is almost back to normal.  Just sleepy, grumpy, and still teething :).

I have been running a slight fever for at least 4 days now.  A soar throat has come and gone here and there, but overall, I'm making it through the days- tired, of course.  Hailey also has caught the fever and cough, but is getting better.

Perhaps we are all experiencing some sort of stress as we transition into our new normal.  I'd like to think that we are being broken down and rebuilt in a way that will mold our family to what God has intended it to be.  We are learning to trust each other in times when we are not just sad or lonely, but in times when we are truly sick.  And when we feel better, we are all there to bask in the joy that comes with healthiness.

We are still continuing to pray for restful sleep and continued bonding experiences.

1 comment:

  1. It is very normal for children to get sick after a move. Their little bodies are expressing the stress that their little minds don't have the words to express! Hang in there mama!
