Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Home at last

Last Friday we went to the Dallas area to sign, sign, and then sign some more- all the papers required to move forward with the adoptive placement.  We left our house at 7am, began the meeting at 11am, started home with the children at about noon and finally arrived home at about 4:30.  Looking back now, it was a super fast day.  But in the midst of it all, the time seemed to pass by SO slowly!

The foster mom, along with her own mother and daughter, met us at the CPS office with the kids after the meeting had finished.  The whole gang came into the meeting room to greet all who were there with smiling faces and happy voices!  We were ecstatic to see them again and we were anxious to get them home.  At the same time, we knew the following minutes of transferring their last few belongings from the foster mom's van to ours would be difficult.  We got everything into our van and it was time to say good-bye's.  Christina (foster mom) hugged my neck tight, probably already noticing the tears I was desperately trying to hold back.  It didn't work- we both just couldn't resist the tears.  How bittersweet this moment was!  It was a moment I will NEVER forget and cry about just writing this post.  I wish I could explain it better, but it just cannot be explained.  She and her family will forever be a part of our lives, the children's lives, so we know that it was not the "last" good-bye.  The children did well, but I'm sure they're seeing this as just another "visit" at this time, although they've been told many times by us and others that this will be their forever home- "forever" is an extremely abstract concept for young children.  The children's caseworker followed us home, checked out our home and observed the children in this environment, then went on her way back north.

The evening was as smooth as it could have been in their new home with all of their original belongings stacked around the house waiting to be unpacked.  Hailey and Brian will soon begin to test limits (as they have already somewhat done so).  We are prepared for these moments and know that they will help us and the children understand one another better and will also help in the bonding process.

I told several people that this had been a very emotional day on all levels.  We experienced happiness (of course), joy, anxiousness, sadness, and unfortunately, fear...

In short (very short), we were told that some immediate family members had expressed thoughts about pursuing a lawyer.  Now, from the time the parents' rights were terminated, immediate family had/ has a year to petition for custody of the children.  The last date to make that stand is May 24- this coming Thursday.  We had no idea if this immediate family member would try to make a stand for custody or perhaps just visitation rights.  CPS and other workers within the system stand behind us 100% and seem to have little concern about this legal action going anywhere.  Regardless, the adoptive placement would happen (and did happen).  Now, as one can imagine, the unknown behind it all was VERY nerve wrecking!  But, our God is bigger than this and has a particular path paved- be it a path we enjoy or not...  we're enjoying this path because it has three beautiful children walking down it with us :).

They have been with us for several days now, making each day an interesting one.  We are already making moments that will always be remembered.  More posts to come about our first full week with the kiddos :).  I'm sure at some point another blessed person will adopt a sibling group and may find these blogs helpful or at least encouraging in some way.


  1. Beautifully said! It seems the perfect family has been created. I'm proud to be a part of it as Mimi. Sad though that I live so far away. I love you all.

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  3. Casey and Clif, I absolutely love reading your journey with those sweet children and I am overjoyed for both you and them that you found each other. I will be praying for the Watts family in this transition.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Enjoy reading your blog... I totally understand your concerns {Christina and I can honestly say we have been in your shoes}. We have handed this burden to the Good Lord, and know its in His hands. Keep the faith... God Bless and Thank You for keeping us in the Loop.
