Monday, May 14, 2012

First Home Visit and More

It has been almost two weeks since I last posted!  I believe the last thing I posted about was our first physical meeting with the kiddos.  Two weekends ago, after our first visit in Fort Worth, the kids came for a home visit for the weekend.  They stayed Friday night through Monday morning.  It was a crazy awesome weekend!  We didn't really know what to expect for the weekend- who would, though?!  We planned for their stay as best we could with the little amount of preparation time we had- meals were planned out and the children had places to sleep :).  We knew that there would be many more things we would learn we needed as the weekend progressed.

When they first arrived, they immediately roamed the house wanting mostly to see their own rooms.  We visited with the foster mom and her kids for a while, she gave us a run-down of administering meds and a few little bits of needed information, and then we were left alone with our three children in our home.  To say that the weekend was a breeze would be completely false.  To say that it was amazing would be completely true.  There really is no way to describe how it felt...  But I'll try :).

They arrived here Friday evening, so there was only enough time to relax, eat, bathe, and attempt bedtime.  Of course, when you've never parented one, much less three, attempting a routine for these things in one weekend is next to impossible.  But we managed to get it all done by 8:00-8:30ish; whether it was "pretty" or not didn't really matter :).  We played outside A LOT over the weekend, watched movies together, ALL took naps each day, and towards the last day, of course, began to see what a "normal" day might look like in the Watts' household.

And, yes, we were exhausted throughout the weekend.  Everyone I mention that to seems to say, "Better get used to it!" or, "Welcome to parenthood!"...  Well, yes, we know in full that parenthood will be tiring. But this was a different kind of exhaustion.  It was full of the newness of routines.  Although, how do you expect three children to understand your routines or follow them when they are headed back to their own "normal" within two days?  It was packed with Clif and I determining how to divide and conquer without getting frustrated with one another.  It was piled with notes and reminders to ourselves about what we still needed before their permanent arrival.  And the weekend was immediately followed by an 8 hour trip to Forth Worth and back- a trip that meant we had to leave our children again for another week!  So, physically exhausting?  Yes, a little.  Emotionally/ mentally draining?  Yes, a lot!  There's just so much to process in a short amount of time.  Saying that we're ready for "normalcy" in our lives with our children is an understatement (maybe "consistency" would be a more accurate term).

This past weekend was spent in Fort Worth again.  The children's foster parents went camping with their family and offered for us to stay in their home with the kids!  Yes, we are tremendously blessed!  These foster parents are outstanding.  We felt at home the entire weekend.  The children were accustomed to this environment and this weekend actually was "a breeze", even in trying times (because the 'honeymoon phase' is slowly beginning to wear off, haha!  If you're a classroom teacher, or foster parent, you understand all too well the honeymoon phase.  As great as it may be, I'm always ready for that phase to end so that "normal" can take it's place.)  We didn't do much outside of the home or city, but rather spent lots of time playing and relaxing together.  It was incredible!  Every moment I spend with them, I wonder how I could love them more...  Is it possible to love someone more than this???  Gosh, how does God feel???!!!  

We returned Sunday evening.  I began my "family leave" this week and we are preparing our home/ ourselves for their permanent arrival to take place this Friday, May 18!!!  We go to the Dallas area to sign papers, etc. and bring them home with us.  6 months later, the adoption will be finalized and they will take on our last name.  But a name is just a name- they are OUR children now by the grace of God and papers will show this later :).


  1. Well, by now I am surprised I haven't learned to grab a box of kleenex any time I begin to read an update from either one of y'all. Haha!! True though. The happiness I have for you and Clif and your new little (or not so little!) family is overwhelming! I am so excited for all of you as you get closer and closer to bringing those sweet babies home for good! I can only try to imagine how crazy/ awesome/ exciting/ EXHAUSTING this process has been and still is. I hope the time moves as quickly as possible until you're all able to get home for good, settle in, adjust, and get started on that whole consistency thing. :) You and Clif are one heck of a team, girl! You have so many amazing days ahead of you. Bless you both for doing such a wonderful thing for these kiddos. I have to say- almost 20 months and counting with Oliver here, and I still find myself being AMAZED that I could love someone so much, and that I could actually feel like I love him more and more every single day. Get used to that feeling, if you can, haha! There is just no limit to the awesomeness of bing a parent! It is so incredible to watch them learn and grow, their little personalities emerge, so fun. I am so thrilled that you guys get to do this times three!
    You two deserve all the beautiful things that are coming your way.

    And also, a lifetime supply of free coffee! :P

  2. I love reading your blog, and I am so excited about Friday, May 18! Following along with your journey has been like watching a miracle unfold. God bless your sweet family! When everything settles down, we would love for you to all come over for a cook-out. I know Erin and David would love to meet your little ones. They are also so excited for you.
