Sunday, April 8, 2012

Possibilities... part II

About four weeks ago, we were chosen as a possible family for a sibling group of three.  Two weeks after that, it was determined which family of the three chosen would become their "forever family".  Wednesday, March 28 at about 5 pm, we received the phone call that we'd been waiting for all day (or so it seemed).  What a nerve wrecking day it was!  We didn't think we would be so anxious- but what's to be expected?  I mean, we were waiting to hear if we were going to become parents, which is life-changing!  Clif walked in and simply said, "We didn't get them."  It's such a weird place to be emotionally.  We felt relieved that we finally knew one way or the other whether we were parents.  We felt sad that we didn't get the children for which we'd been praying, but happy that they'd been placed with a stable family.  And we felt frustration from thinking that we could possibly have to wait another 3-4 months before even being considered again!

So this must be the part that "they" warn about in foster/ adoption classes and training manuals.  That emotional roller coaster.  And for us, the physical labor also, as we prepare our house for children (and a future sale hopefully).  "How much longer will it be???", we tend to think.

Maybe not long at all!  To our surprise, we were selected among three families for another sibling group of three just one day after the sad news, as aforementioned.  How crazy is that???  These children are about the same ages as the others (4, 3, and 10 months).  This Thursday, April 12, is the selection staffing where a committee will meet to determine the most appropriate family with which to place the children.  The process this time around is a bit different than last time.  We have actually been invited to represent ourselves at the meeting.  Last time we were informed of the decision the day of the meeting.  We're not quite sure how that will happen this time- they may let us know while we are there, and they may decide to call or email at a later time.  Again, we are praying for these children and will be content with God's plan however it turns out.  Of course we believe we are the "right" home for these children ;), but we serve a mighty God that has our every move in life orchestrated to perfection.  

We'll keep on bloggin'!  If you'll keep on prayin'! ....  well, we'll still blog regardless of whether you pray or not, but we sure would appreciate it ;)


  1. We are definitely praying here. Love you two mucho.

  2. Praying for you here on my end!!!

  3. CHILLS and tearing up! SO happy for you and Cliff! Wow, I know you must feel a lot of emotions right now - we'll be praying for you guys!!

    ~ Mary Tyler

  4. As I catch up on your blog, I am reading after finding out today's outcome. Is there anything we can do on this end to help make this preparation and transition easier for you two. I know you will be awesome parents. I've not had the pleasure of meeting Clif yet, but I do know you and how you were raised, and how your Momma was raised. From what I have read that Clif has written, along with you; I know you will be an awesome team. He seems to be a very loving and reverent person. These children will be blessed having you two for parents. Love asnd best wishes to you both! Carla
