Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Heart Hurts

Yes, my heart hurts...  but only because it feels like it could throb right out of my chest with love and joy! Clif and I do not get to meet our children in person until this coming weekend, but we've gotten a "sneak peek" over the last few days.  Last Friday we skyped with the foster mom, Christina.  She was SUPER informative and so encouraging!  Hailey actually has started calling us "Daddy Clif" and "Momma Casey" and requested meeting us through a skype visit so that she could ask us the list of questions she had created.  So, Sunday, we met all three children and Jim, the foster dad, via skype!  It was ...  well, honestly, words just cannot describe how it felt.  Hailey smiled and giggled the whole time and attempted to ask us questions, but of course was a little camera shy :).  Brian began singing a song and it didn't take long before the 3 year old boy in him took over and he found something more interesting to do haha!  In the end, we got to see Hayden who cooed back and forth with us.  It was AMAZING and made us itch even more to hold them!!!  

Tonight Clif sent Christina a text message asking her to tell the kiddos "hi" for us.  Hailey called him shortly after and carried on a conversation with us that was as sweet as honey- just GOLDEN!  She talked about what she did this evening and I asked her lots of questions to which she sweetly responded, "Yeeeaaahhh".  And the one statement that took my breath away was, "I'm gonna dream about you".  Does it get any better than that???????!!!!!!  She also wanted her foster parents to text us and make sure we didn't forget to dream about her.

I'd post a picture, a million pictures, if I could.  But until we are given permission, I can only tell you that they are BEAUTIFUL!  Hailey is a petite little thing with brown hair and blue eyes and the sweetest smile!  You can tell just by her pictures that she is a DiVa lol.  Brian has blonde hair with awesome cowlicks haha, much like the ones Clif has, and hazel eyes!  He has the best cheese face grin and a voice that could melt any heart!  Of course, he is a manly boy and loves trains, t-ball, and MEAT :).  Hayden is a chubby and HAPPY baby whose blonde hair and blue eyes will kill!  He is going to be a heartbreaker!  

My heart literally aches for them!  May the next few days pass quickly so that we can meet them and make sweet memories to cherish!  And may they transition smoothly into our home in *hopefully* the next few weeks!

Thank You Lord!


  1. I've always wanted to start a blog regarding foster care and our experiences...very nicely done... See you guyz on Friday....


  2. Casey, I love keeping up with you guys on here! I'm so encouraged by your faith and your love, it makes me look forward to the day I will adopt that much more!

    Also, hehe, I actually had a dream that I got to adopt a sibling group last night! I'm pretty sure it's cause I've been thinking and praying for yall these past weeks! My dream kids were 8 and 6, a boy and girl, and they had a cute Jesus-loving uncle who loved them too, so we ended up dating in my dream :) Bahah, if only that'd work out for me in real life ;)
