Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meeting 'our' Children... Surreal

God, YOU are awesome and evident in every facet of life!   Your plan is unfolding, and although unknown to us now, is meant for no other reason but for us to worship You.  May we seek You and praise You when we least want to and most need to.  Fill us with strength and self-discipline to mirror your son- a strength that only You can provide.

We have been completely overwhelmed and humbled by the support, prayers, and encouragement that have been showered upon us each and every day!  I told someone recently that I'm not sure what we ever did to deserve the love that's being shown.  Words cannot describe...  So, just THANK YOU!  And praise God for you!  We are receiving lots of great items that we definitely need.  There are still lots of items that we still need to get before these children arrive.  It's difficult to tell others what you need when we haven't even met our children yet!  So, here's the down low with that:

Next weekend, April 26-28, we will meet our children!  (And yes, it seems completely surreal to say that!)  Per Clif's facebook post:  

We are going to spend some time with them Friday evening, and then go to Hailey's Teeball game on Saturday, and then maybe go to the Fort Worth Zoo that afternoon. After that we can begin weekend visits with them...when the worker told Hailey about us she asked her if it was alright if we came over to meet them, she said, "Are they going to bring toys?" HA! Let me just tell you right now, I am going to be wrapped around her finger! :-) 

It is SO hard to wait!  We are itching to touch them and are aching to hear their voices!  At the same time, we are anxious and hoping that they are quick to attach.  This territory is unchartered and unimaginable- which is REALLY scary!  We will have weekend visits in Forth Worth for a few weekends and, depending on how quickly they respond/ attach, they will move here with us.  If only I was the kind of person that wasn't a planner and thrived off of schedules!!!  Not knowing exactly how many visits we will have there and exactly when they will be here with us is painful!  But, one thing I can rest in is that God's hand is at work in our lives and these children's lives.  

We are READY!


  1. God will give you all the time you need my friend!!!!! Just more time to get house projects done! ~Laura White

  2. I am so excited for you all! I will be praying for each of your hearts...for God to knit it all together beautifully! Love you guys!
    Marci Menchaca
