Monday, June 25, 2012

Court- BLAH

I'm just now writing this entry about the court hearing to determine whether the grandparents of our kiddos, who filed first for more visitation and second for custody, actually had standing in the case.  This is Clif's facebook post:

The judge heard the arguments this morning regarding whether or not the grandparents have standing to file in the case. The kid's worker said that she feels like it went well. The judge "took it in advisement" which basically means he wants time to think about it. My limited understanding of the family code leads me to think that he will give the grandparents standing to file and we will go to trial in August, but he could possibly rule that they do not and this can all be over. We are not likely to hear his decision until next week some time. We do know that he asked when the rights were terminated (February 24th) and he followed that up by asking how long the kids have been in care (since July of 2011) and when the grandparents filed (on the 86th day of the 90 they are provided- which looks really bad for them). 

It was one very rough day.  Clif and I left our house by 5:30AM to arrive an hour early at the courthouse.  I was more nervous than I've EVER been on the way there- and that's a long time to experience nervousness.  We were pulled in and out of the courtroom by caseworkers and the CPS lawyer to discuss possible things that may/ may not happen.  Awkward moments definitely took place when both sets of grandparents AND the bio mom showed up and walked right past us.  I mean, do you say "Hi" or pretend they're not there at all???  It was about 11:45 when the hearing actually took place, and it lasted all of 3 minutes!  We drove all the way home only to wait another week before hearing anything.

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