Monday, March 5, 2012

And Still Waiting...

It has been almost three months since our last post...  and unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on how God sees it) not too terribly much has changed.  Each month is a new piece of the roller coaster of emotions.  One month of feeling "content" with the our childless life, another month wishing and hoping and aching for that call telling us we will now be responsible for this young life, which, I suspect, will be surprising and amazing and scary all at once.  We have officially been a licensed home since December, and have submitted our home study for different children each month since then, which totals 7 children ranging from ages 4 months to 4 years.  I'd say that's reassuring for us, yet very sad that so many children become eligible for foster care and/ or adoption each month.  Luckily, the children for which we have submitted our home study are all young enough to be desired by many other families and are likely in safe, loving homes as I type.  Yet there are SO many older children that are still remaining.  Perhaps one day when we are older, we can become a family for an older child who may be experiencing loneliness and wondering who their forever family may be.

Today we submitted our home study again for a sibling group of three.... yes three!  I know, it's scary to think about:  a couple new to parenting, having only been married 5 years, raising three young children (about 2-4 years old).  We had/ have the same thought :).  But, if not us, then who?  We are prepared for the awesome chaos that will be our home, and we are also prepared for the blessing these children will bring should we be chosen the foster/ adoptive family. 


  1. Clif and Casey, you are a lovely young couple and there is a child out there; maybe currently waiting, maybe not born yet; that God intends just for you to raise. Be patient and have faith. The wait is hard, I know, but keep your faith that God knows the wonderful things He has in store for you and he will make it work just right in His time!


  2. When it is your time, He will give them to you. I know waiting is hard. We did that too, not as long as you two, but any wait when wanting a baby is tiring.

    I can't think of two more deserving and loving individuals than you for "awesome chaos". I love you both and hope your waiting is over soon.
