Saturday, August 27, 2011

Finally, some guidance!

In the most recent post, which was about 3 days ago, I vented/ complained/ shared about our frustration with the lack of communication from our adoption coordinator.  We decided to state our concerns (once again) to this person and also provide our decision to go elsewhere if necessary.  We FINALLY were provided some guidance in how to move forward in the process.  Turns out, we still have papers to sign, things to turn in, and things to have done!  Imagine that!

Here is what we HAVE completed/ turned in:                      

  • Pre-application            
  • Application
  • Foster/ adoption classes
  • Rather long questionnaire
  • Reference forms
Here is what we STILL have to complete:
  • Floor plan with smoke alarms and fire extinguishers included
  • Home health inspection
  • Fire inspection
  • Walk through
  • Sign more papers
  • Dear Caseworker Letter (which I've included in this blog)
Will the to-do list ever end?  Will we turn these things in and be informed of more???  We are told that the home study will be scheduled after the aforementioned items are completed.  We shall see.  At least we're one step closer to seeing an end to the most tedious part of it all.

So, I write all of this not to have a place just to share our frustrations (God knows I do enough of that with my friends and family).  But someday, someone else out there will be going through the same process and maybe, just maybe, they will be experiencing what we're going through.  And perhaps this will provide some insight to their decisions or at least learn that being frank, but also patient, promotes a much easier adoption process.

That's all for now!  I'm hopeful that the next update will be soon and will be informing all about the experience of a home study.  Meanwhile, check out our "Dear Caseworker" letter and tell me who wouldn't want us as parents!!! ;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wish we were waiting...

Yeah, we're waiting...  but I wish we were waiting for something else.  Let me explain:

I posted, probably about a month ago, with great relief, that we got news that all our paper work had been received along with forms from all our references.  With this news, we were also told, "We're moving forward".  However, we weren't necessarily told with what we were moving forward and have yet to hear ANYTHING concerning the progress of our adoption journey.

So, yeah, we're waiting- on a home study.  But the more impatient part of me desperately wishes we were waiting for something else- our child!  Along with the impatience during our "wait", frustration fills the remaining space of my thoughts on it all.  The question, "How's the adoption process coming?", once an exciting or at least pleasant question to answer, has now become a boiling pot of disappointment and frustration.  Why?  Because all I have to respond with is, "UGH!  We're still waiting to have the home study conducted!"

Of course, being frustrated and disappointed doesn't really help too much.  So Clif and I are left trying to decide on the best action for now.  State our concerns about the communication and slow progress with the party concerned?  Take the business of "our lives" elsewhere?  Perhaps we will try the first of these two options and see where it gets us...  Maybe next time I post it will be with cheer and good news...  or at least cheer :).