Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And the decision is made...

Two years into marriage, and we start thinking, "Yeah, let's add to our family."  And that's where the journey begins.  I'll save you from all the boring, intimate details and just say that we had no luck of conceiving for two years.  As time continued to pass, Clif and I sought medical council on the matter.  It turned out that although it is not impossible for us to conceive on our own, it is unlikely.  At that point, doctors assured us that "they could get us pregnant".  So we began to think about what would be the best decision for us.

We knew early on in our marriage that we wanted to adopt at some point in our life together.  The more I thought about us being probed and prodded in order to *possibly* create a child together, the more disinterested I became.  And the more disinterested I became in that process, the more interested I became in the adopting.   For a few months I struggled with these two options and Clif patiently and lovingly listened and assured me as my mind continuously pondered a multitude of questions...
"Should we get help from doctors now and adopt if we cannot conceive?"  "Should we go ahead and adopt and hope for a child of our own in the future?"  "Will I regret not seeking help from doctors?"  "Will I regret NOT adopting now?"
Finally, I poured out all my thoughts and turned it over to the One who is beyond capable of hearing about and handling our greatest predicaments.   Soon thereafter, a great sea of hope, prayer, and encouragement surrounded me through a great group of ladies for which I will forever be thankful.  I came to realize that no decision here could be a "bad" decision. And whatever we decided would be righteous in God's eyes.  Either way, through adoption or not, we would be raising a child that will be loved unconditionally.

Soon thereafter, Clif and I attended an information meeting about adoption.  We both started gravitating more and more towards this option feeling very confident that there is a child out there right now who needs a home and needs our love.   We began searching for others around us that may have gone through the adoption process to help us understand the process and all that adoption entails.  Suddenly, it seemed as though we were surrounded by people who had either adopted or had been adopted.  Little time passed before we completed and turned in a preliminary application to begin the adoption process.  Even in completing this application, we found ourselves falling more in love with bringing a child into our home to raise.

We are now in the process of completing a formal application, which is quite lengthy.  Our excitement surpasses what any words could express.  We are filled with peace and joy in our decision to grow our family through adoption.  Although we know that difficult times will come about as we raise this child now awaiting our love, we are able to bask in the great love and mercy of our Father and the support of family and friends with which He has so blessed us.

And so the decision is made!


  1. I am so glad that you are sharing your journey this way! Adoption is always something that I have wanted to do. Although my situation as a child was a little different, if my Aunt Connie and Uncle Steve had not taken me in to their family there is no telling where I would be. I hope that you continue to share this road that you guys are on. I will pray that it is a short and easy journey but if not that God give you the strength that you need to continue!


  2. I'm so proud of and happy for you both! There are so many babies and children that need a loving home and I know what amazing, wonderful parents you both will be!

  3. YAY Clif and Casey! Congratulations! God has such a heart for adoption, which is evidenced throughout the Bible! I went to an AMAZING conference called "Together for Adoption" that was completely life-changing. There were people there adopting through CPS, foster care, domestic infant, and international. Ryan and I are waiting for Rwanda to reopen to adoption, as the Lord has told us that we have a child there! Praying for a smooth adoption. So excited!

  4. Thanks guys! We are so lucky to have such encouragement surrounding us! We'll keep you all updated!
