Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Since then

NUMBER 1 THING TO ANNOUNCE:  ADOPTION CONSUMMATION IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012!!!  On that day, the adoption will be final and the children will legally be ours!!!  Praise God!

It has really been a long time since I last posted.  In fact, it has been almost three months!  So, what has kept me from posting???  Hmm...  In my last post, I basically vented and poured out my heart sharing the not-so-cool thoughts and emotions with which I was struggling.  When I published the post, I got lots of words of encouragement.  But I also received several messages and comments that kind of put me off, perhaps because of my pride issues.  I felt that my words had been misconstrued to mean that I was downright depressed- which was not the case at all.  I also didn't like the "advice" I was getting- the kind of advice you get and you think to yourself "Uh... duh?" and you'd really like to say it out loud, but you don't.  Again, this could very well have been my pride getting in the way of logical reasoning.

"So that's the reason you stopped posting???"  Well, maybe for a little while that was the reason.  But then LIFE happened!  It seemed like every time I thought about blogging, my dear sweet sleep got in the way.  I went back to work in late July preparing my new classroom for this grade level I had never taught.  And then school started.  I wake up early, get the kids where they need to be, work my tail off at school (which I love, by the way), pick up the kids, do whatever after-school things we have to do (which seems to be something every day), eat dinner, put the kids to bed, and then work while in bed before my own sleep time.  Yes, I am exhausted most days!  But it is a great kind of exhaustion (most days).  And I am one very blessed woman to have this amazing husband who evenly shares our workload at home!!!  For goodness sakes, he even helps me with school work at times, even though he is highly disinterested in those things :).

And how is it all going?  Fantastic!  In all my stress and exhaustion, I still could not be more thankful for God's abundant blessings.  I fail every day as a wife, a mom, a teacher, a friend, and yet He pours out His grace so freely.  Many days I find myself wanting to start over as a parent, wondering if Christ was seen in me by our children and realizing that the answer often is "no".  I take for granted that God put us in charge of these children to show them the love He pours out to us.  But then I also have to remember that these really aren't "our" children at all- they belong to Him.  How heavy that is!!  But how awesome it is to know that we can openly share with them that we, too, are sinners, but that God sees through that and loves us unconditionally!

Next week, perhaps I will post about our adoption consummation...  until then, please pray for a smooth and joyful adoption consummation!