Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Gotta Keep Moving On


Unfortunately, not many changes have taken place since our last post...  In fact, it almost seems as though there have been no changes at all!  I believe in our last post we stated that we had finally finished our required classes and would be setting up a date for a home study.  Since that time, it has been nothing more than taking a seat in the waiting room at a doctor's office.  And not just any doctor's office- the office with which you have no insurance, and really the pains are minimal, so you will be the last patient they see even though you were the first there, leaving you with nothing but time to kill and mounds of paperwork to complete.  Yep, that's where we are.

Here's a run down:  Three weeks or so passed after having completed our training classes and we hadn't heard anything from our agency.  So, I kindly email them wanting to know where we stood with the process and what we needed to do to move forward with the home study.  The response:  "We're awaiting your criminal history/ background check.  Oh, and attached is 48 pages worth of questions you'll need to answer and send back."  WHAT???  48 pages???!!!  Mind you, we've already spent hours filling out pre-applications and answering questions for homework during our class.  As we read through the 48 pages worth of questions, we realize that it's simply the questions they should be asking when they come to do the home study.  I emailed my thoughts concerning this issue, secretly hoping they might say, "You're right, they will ask those questions.  No need to fill out more paperwork!"  Of course, they didn't say that.  So, we have to answer the questions on paper and then answer the same questions again when they interview us during the home study.  Fun, huh?  Riiiigggghhhhttt...  In addition to the mountain of questions to answer, we also have sporadically been informed of random things we should be turning in (and we've been informed only because I continuously ask that they keep us updated).

So, you can probably see where we might be a little frustrated at this point of the process.  I suppose it is to be expected and I'm sure harder times are to come in this process.  We continue to look forward to the end result and are remaining positive (I know, this blog sounds so positive doesn't it?!).  On a brighter note, we do know, via friends, that people have been receiving and completing the reference packets that were sent out by our agency.  One small leap for Team Watts, one giant leap for our future child...??? Or something like that, haha!

We are moving forward with our lives and beginning to prepare our home for the home study and for a future child even though we're not quite sure when either of those will take place.  My amazing mother will be coming soon to help us clean out, organize, and beautify our home.  Thanks to her, and thanks to all of those that are thinking about us, providing your prayers, support, and ears to listen as we keep movin' on...